Synonyms & Antonyms A to Z
Synonyms & Antonyms – Alphabet A

Synonyms – Alphabet A
Word | Synonyms Meaning |
Abandon | To leave or give up something completely or to desert a person, place, or thing. |
Abbreviate | To shorten or reduce a word, phrase, or text. |
Abrupt | Sudden or unexpected, often in manner or speech. |
Absurd | Illogical or ridiculous, not making sense. |
Acceptable | Suitable or satisfactory, meeting standards or requirements. |
Accommodate | To provide lodging or make adjustments for someone or something. |
Accurate | Correct or precise, free from errors or mistakes. |
Acquire | To obtain or gain possession of something through effort or action. |
Adequate | Sufficient or enough in quantity, quality, or degree. |
Adjacent | Next to or adjoining something else, in close proximity. |
Ambiguous | Unclear or having multiple interpretations, lacking clarity. |
Ambitious | Having high aspirations or goals, desiring success or achievement. |
Amend | To make corrections or improvements to something, especially a document or law. |
Ample | Plentiful or abundant, more than enough. |
Analogy | A comparison between two things to highlight similarities or explain something unfamiliar. |
Anecdote | A short, personal story or account of an event, often used to illustrate a point. |
Anguish | Severe mental or emotional pain, distress, or suffering. |
Anticipate | To expect or foresee something happening in the future. |
Arbitrary | Based on random choice or personal whim, lacking a clear reason or principle. |
Articulate | Expressing ideas or thoughts clearly and effectively, using language fluently. |
Ascertain | Confident and self-assured in expressing opinions or ideas, without being aggressive. |
Assertive | To evaluate or determine the value, importance, or quality of something. |
Assign | To allocate or designate a task, responsibility, or role to someone. |
Astute | Clever and perceptive, having keen insight or understanding. |
Authentic | Genuine or real, not copied or fake, reflecting true character or nature. |
Aversion | Strong dislike or opposition towards something, feeling repelled or disgusted. |
Synonyms & Antonyms -Alphabet A to C words

Synonyms – Alphabet A
Word | Synonyms Meaning |
Avocation | A hobby or pastime pursued for pleasure or relaxation, separate from one’s main occupation. |
Avoid | To stay away from or prevent something undesirable from happening. |
Await | To expect or look forward to something eagerly, anticipating its arrival or occurrence. |
Aware | Conscious or mindful of something, having knowledge or understanding. |
Acclaim | Praise or approval, public recognition or applause for achievements. |
Adhere | To stick to or follow closely, to remain loyal or faithful to a principle or belief. |
Admire | To regard with respect, approval, or affection, to look up to or appreciate someone or something. |
Advocate | To support or promote a cause, idea, or policy, to speak or act in favor of something. |
Alleviate | To reduce or relieve pain, suffering, or difficulties, to make something less severe or intense. |
Analyze | To examine or study something in detail, to break down into components for understanding. |
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Synonyms & Antonyms – Alphabet C to C words

Synonyms & Antonyms – Alphabet C to D words

Synonyms & Antonyms – Alphabet D to F words

Synonyms & Antonyms – Alphabet D to F words

Synonyms & Antonyms – Alphabet G to I words

Synonyms & Antonyms – Alphabet I to M words

Synonyms & Antonyms – Alphabet M to O words

Synonyms & Antonyms – Alphabet O to P words

Synonyms & Antonyms – Alphabet P to R words

Synonyms & Antonyms – Alphabet S to Z words
Surplus,Swift, synthetic,tall, tangible,taut, tender, terrible,thaw,thrifty, thrive, total, trivial, turbulent,turmoil, unbiased, upset, urgent,vacant,vagaue,valiant,vibrate, vicious, victory, virtuous, vulgar, wealth, wholehearted,wild,win,wise, wonderful,worn, wrong, yield, zenith

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