Supreme Tutorials

Important Days & Dates- (January-December) 2023

In this post we are going to know about important days and date (January-December) 2023. In this today’s article, as all of us know that GK section covers measure of percentage score in any of competitive exam as well as in our academics. In this article you will get to know about important days with dates(January-December) which will help in your competitive exams to boost up your score and you will able to answer correctly after reading this today’s post.


1 JanuaryGlobal Family Day
4 JanuaryWorld Braille Day
9 JanuaryPravasi Bhartiya Diwas
Guru Govind Singh Jayanti
10 JanuaryWorld Laughter Day
World Hindi Day
12 JanuaryNational Youth Day
15 JanuaryIndian Army Day
23 JanuarySubhash Chandra Bose Jayanti
24 JanuaryNational Girl Child Day
International Day of Education
U.P. Foundation Day
25 JanuaryVoters Day
Tourism Day
26 JanuaryRepublic Day(India)
30 JanuaryMartyr’s Day


1 FebruaryIndian Coast Guard
2 FebruaryWorld Wetlands Day
3 FebruaryNational Golden Retriever Day
4 FebruaryWorld Cancer Day
National Day of Sri Lanka
8 FebruarySafer Internet Day
10 FebruaryWorld Pulses Day
11 FebruaryInternational Day of Women and Girls in Science
13 FebruaryWorld Radio Day (UNESCO)
National Women’s Day
15 FebruaryInternational Childhood Cancer Day
28 FebruaryNational Science Day


1 MarchZero Discrimination Day
World Civil Defence Day
3 MarchWorld Wildlife Day
4 MarchNational Security Day
8 MarchInternational Women’s Day
11 MarchWorld Kidney Day
14 MarchPi(∏) Day
15 MarchWorld Consumer Rights Day
16 MarchNational Vaccination Day
18 MarchOrdnance Factories Day
20 MarchInternational Day of Happiness
World Sparrow Day
22 MarchWorld Water Day
23 MarchWorld Meteorological Day
24 MarchWorld Tuberculosis Day
27 MarchWorld Theatre Day


1 AprilOrissa Day
7 AprilWorld Health Day {(WHO) 1950}
10 April World Homeopathy Day
11 AprilNational Pet Day
National Safe Motherhood Day
13 AprilJallianwallah Bagh Massarce Day (1919)
14 AprilB.R. Ambedkar Jayanti
Cultural Unity Day
15 AprilWorld Art Day
17 AprilWorld Haemophilia Day
18 AprilWorld Heritage Day
21 AprilNational Civil Services Day
22 AprilWorld Earth Day
23 AprilWorld Book and Copyright Day
24 AprilNational Panchayati Raj Day
25 AprilWorld Malaria Day
26 AprilWorld Intellectual Property Day
29 AprilInternational Dance Day
30 AprilAyushman Bharat Diwas


1 MayInternational Labour Day
2 MayInternational Astronomy Day
3 MayPress Freedom Day
4 MayWorld Asthma Day
7 MayWorld Athletics Day
8 MayWorld Red Cross Day
11 MayNational Technology Day
12 MayInternational Nurses Day
15 MayInternational Day of Family
16 MayDengue Prevention Day (India)
18 MayInternational Museum Day
20 MayWorld Metrology Day
World Bee Day
21 MayAnti-terrorisms day
31 MayAnti-Tabaco day


3 juneWorld Bicycle Day
5 juneWorld Environment Day
7 juneWorld Food Safety Day
8 juneWorld Ocean Day
12 juneWorld Day Against Child Labour
14 juneWorld Blood Donar Day
16 juneInternational Integration Day
19 juneWorld Sickle Cell Day
20 juneWorld Refugee Day
21 juneWorld Music Day
International Yoga Day
23 juneWorld Olympic Day
26 juneInternational Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking International Anti-Drugs Day
International Day in Support of Victims of Torture
29 juneJune National Statistics Day
3rd Sunday of juneInternational Father’s Day


Important DatesImportant Days
1 julyNational Doctor’s Day
2 JulyWorld UFO Day
World Sports Journalists Day
4 JulyInternational Cooperative Day
11 julyWorld Population Day
15 JulyWorld Youth Skills Day
18 JulyMandela Day
26 JulyKargil Memorial Day (India)
28 julyInternational Tiger’s Day
World Nature Day
29 julyWorld Nature Conservation Day
30 julyInternational Day of Friendship


DatesImportant Days
6 AugustHiroshima Day
12 AugustInternational Youth Day
15 AugustIndependence Day(India)
20 AugustIndian Akshay Urja Day
23 AugustEuropean Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazis
26 AugustWomen’s Equality Day
29 AugustNational Sports Day
30 AugustSmall Industry Day
31 AugustHari Merdeka (Malaysia National Day)


Important DatesImportant Days
5 SeptemberTeacher’s Day
8 SeptemberWorld Literacy Day
11 SeptemberMartyr’s Day
14 SeptemberHindi Diwas
15 SeptemberEngineer’s Day
16 SeptemberWorld Ozone Day
27 SeptemberWorld Tourism Day
29 SeptemberWorld Heart Day


2 octoberGandhi Jayanti
Lal Bahadur ShastrI Jayanti
4 octoberWorld Animal Welfare Day
5 october World Teacher’s Day
8 octoberIndian Air-force Day
10 octoberNational Post Day
11 octoberInternational Girl Child Day
13 octoberWorld Day for Natural Disaster Reduction
15 octoberWorld Day for Natural Disaster Reduction
16 octoberWorld Food Day
24 octoberUnited Nations Day
World Development Information Day
World Polio Day
27 OctoberWorld Day for Audiovisual Heritage
31 octoberNational Unity Day


5 NovemberWorld Tsunami Day
Bhupen Hazarika Death Anniversary
Indian Cricketer Virat Kohli’s Birthday
6 NovemberInternational Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict
7 NovemberNational Cancer Awareness Day
Infant Protection Day
8 NovemberWorld Radiography Day
Guru Nanak Dev’s Birth Anniversary
9 NovemberNational Legal Services Day
10 NovemberWorld Public Transport Day
11 NovemberNational Education Day
12 NovemberWorld Pneumonia Day
13 NovemberWorld Kindness Day
14 NovemberChildren’s Day
Diabetes Day
17 NovemberWorld Student Day
18 NovemberWorld Adult Day
21 NovemberWorld Television Day
26 NovemberConstitution Day of India
30 NovemberFlag Day
St.Andrews Day


DatesImportant Days
1 DecemberWorld AIDS Day
2 DecemberNational Pollution Day
World Computer Literacy Day
3 DecemberWorld Day OF Handicaped Of International Day Of Person With Disabilities
4 DecemberIndian Navy Day
5 DecemberWorld Soil Day
6 DecemberB.R. Ambedkar Death Anniversary
7 DecemberArmed Forces Flag Day
9 DecemberInternational Anti Corruption Day
10 DecemberHuman Rights Day
Death Anniversary Of Alfred Nobel
11 DecemberUNICEF Foundation Day
International Mountain Day
12 DecemberUNIVERSAL Health Coverage Day
14 DecemberNational Energy Conservation Day
16 DecemberVijay Diwas (1971) {Victory over pakistan}
`18 December Minorities Rights Day in India
22 DecemberNational Mathematics Day
23 DecemberKisan Diwas
24 DecemberNational Consumers Right Day
25 DecemberChristmas Day
31 DecemberNew year’s eve


(1)- Which days are most important?

In today’s comptetive exam era the importance of dates and days is highly associated. Each and every competitive exam consist of a measure part GK and Current Affair section in which the important days and dates is being asked like national youth day, national yoga day, national environment day, world ozone day, world water day, world earth day, international science day and many more.

(2)- How many special days in a year?

If we talk about important days and dates in particular year then each day has it’s unique importance due to any prominent personalities related day or it may be any paraticular social awarness related issue so if we see according to 365 days per year we can give the each day importance in unique way but as competitive view there are few measure important and significant days which plays a vital role in competative exams.

(3) -Which is most important date in the history of the world?

It’s subjective to determine the most important date in the history of the world as it depends on individual perspectives and beliefs. Different events and dates hold significance for different reasons and can impact the world in various ways. Some notable dates that have shaped world history include:
1066, the Battle of Hastings in England which led to Norman conquest of England
1492, Columbus’ voyage to the Americas, marking the beginning of European colonization of the Americas
1776, the signing of the Declaration of Independence in the United States
1914, the start of World War I
1945, the end of World War II with the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan
These are just a few examples and there are many other dates and events that have shaped world history and continue to shape it today.

(4)_ Important days and dates in india

India has a rich cultural and historical heritage, and several days and dates hold great importance and are celebrated as national holidays. Some of the important days and dates in India are:

January 26th: Republic Day, commemorates the adoption of the Indian Constitution and India’s transition to a republic.
August 15th: Independence Day, marks India’s independence from British rule in 1947.
October 2nd: Gandhi Jayanti, marks the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of India’s independence movement.
November 11th: Remembrance Day, honors the sacrifices made by Indian soldiers in the armed forces.
December 25th: Christmas, celebrated by Christians across India as the birth of Jesus Christ.
These are just a few examples, and there are many other important days and dates in India

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